Saturday, June 12, 2004

Eat, Drink, and be Merry...

Ah, the wonders of the Internet.

Tonight I found the Death Clock which, when I tell it when I was born, what my body weght index is, and what my general outlook on life is, will tell me how many seconds I have left on this mortal coil.

Entered my info: birthday, mid-30s BMI, and generally optimistic outlook. Contrary to Wifeypooh's consternations and contrary protests to the contrary, I am going to stay on the right side of the dirt until 2065 - well into my 90s.

So, concerned as I am with my slightly marine-mammalian physique I punch in a nice(er) mid 20s BMI. That one has me croaking in 2058. So, forsaking that second ice cream serving at dinner will actually cost me seven years. Cue Burns' voice: Excellent...

Now, change my outlook to pessimistic, and even with a svelte under 25 BMI I'm croaking before I hit 50.

So happiness is the key to longevity. Groovey. You gonna eat any more of that?...

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