Wednesday, June 2, 2004

Return from Exile


It's been a while.

I've been off in the mountains of far Alaska recovering from the latest Red Sox debacle, chanting the mystical "om" while centering my chaka and visualizing Grady Little drifitng southward on a disabled shrimp boat...

But they're back, and I'm back. They new victim, er.. Manager, Terry Francona, seems to be an interesting, if a little stiff, guy. He played for the Expos, Brewers, Cubs, and 1980's Indians, so he really knows about winning. Err...... I mean, he had a great career as a manager, winning 77 games in 1999 finishing in third place with the Phillies... Er.....



Does anybody else think that maybe the whole hiring Terry Francona thing is maybe being driven by the fact Theo Epstein is sitting on a bunch of 1982 Fleer Terry Francona Rookie Cards and he's hoping will finally get above "common" status if the Sox somehow win the series this year?

Ye Gods.

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